Literatura, cine, televisión, música. Palabras. Capaces de hacernos reir. De hacernos llorar. De hacernos pensar. De emocionar. Palabras para guardar. Para recordar. Para leer. Y para volver a leer.
Otro punto de vista
Adolfo Bioy Casares.
About the life of wine
Sideways. Alexander Payne.
I'm Ibiza
- Who wrote the phrase "No man is an island"? John Donne? John Milton? John F. Kennedy? Jon Bon Jovi?
Jon Bon Jovi. Too easy.
And, if I may say so, a complete load of bollocks.
In my opinion, all men are islands.
And what's more, now's the time to be one.
This is an island age.
A hundred years ago, you had to depend on other people.
No one had TV or CDs or DVDs or videos...
...or home espresso makers.
Actually, they didn't have anything cool.
Whereas now, you see... can make yourself a little island paradise.
With the right supplies and the right attitude... can be sun-drenched, tropical, a magnet...
...for young Swedish tourists.
Hi, it's Kristina. I haven't heard from you.
I had a great time last weekend. So give me a call, okay? 'Bye.
And I like to think that perhaps I am that kind of island.
I like to think I'm pretty cool.
I like to think I'm Ibiza.
Ser alguien
A Long Way Down, Nick Hornby

Love is all around.
I think about the arrivals gate at Heathrow airport.
General opinion makes out that we live in a world
of hatred and greed I don't see that.
Seems to me that love is everywhere.
Often it's not particularly dignified or newsworthy
but it's always there.
Fathers and sons, mothers and daughters,
husbands and wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, old friends.
When the planes hit the Twin Towers,
none of the phone calls from people on board
were messages of hate or revenge,
they were all messages of love.
lf you look for it, I've got a sneaky feeling
you'll find that love actually is all around.
Love Actually, Richard Curtis.

How dreams are prepared
Hi, welcome back to another episode of Televisión Educative.
Tonight, I'll show you how dreams are prepared.
People think it's a very simple and easy process,
but it's a bit more complicated than that.
As you can see, a very delicate combination
of complex ingredients is the key.
First, we put in some random thougths,
and then we ad a little bit of reminiscences of the day,
mixed with some memories from the past,
love, friendships, relationships, and all those ships,
together with songs you heard during the day,
things you saw and also a personal...
Ok, I think there's one.
There it goes, yes!
Ok, we have to run...
I'm talking quietly to not wake myself up.
The Science of Sleep, Michel Gondry.

Algo para decir
y no me parece mal, después de todo,
Dios nos ha dejado solos en un mundo hostil.
El problema es que muy pocos
tienen algo importante para decir.
Marcelo Birmajer. Nuevas historias de hombres casados.
_ ¿Podrías decirme, por favor, qué camino debo seguir para salir de aquí?
_ Eso depende en gran parte del sitio al que quieras llegar –dijo el Gato.
_ No me importa mucho el sitio… -dijo Alicia.
_ Entonces tampoco importa mucho el camino que tomes –dijo el Gato.
_ …siempre que llegue a alguna parte –añadió Alicia como explicación.
_ Oh, siempre llegarás a alguna parte –aseguró el Gato- si caminas lo suficiente.
Lewis Carrol. Alicia en el País de las Maravillas.
Fotos por Annie Leibovitz