It's not that they're faster or stronger than other fish.
They're just touched by something extra.
Call it luck. Call it grace.One
By the time I was born,he was already a legend.
He'd taken more hundred-
than any fish in
Some said that fish was the ghost of
a thief who'd drowned
left over from the Cretaceous period.
I didn't put any stock into such
All I knew was I'd been trying to catch that fish
since I was a boy no bigger
And on the day you were born,
Now, I'd tried everything on it:
worms, lures, peanut butter, peanut
But on that day I
if that fish was
the usual bait
I would have
strong enough to hold up a bridge, they said,
if just for
The Beast jumped up and grabbed it
before the ring even hit the water.
And just as fast, he snapped clean through that line.
You can see my predicament.
My wedding
soon to be the mother of my
was now lost in the gut of an
I followed that fish up-river and down-river
for three days and three
until I finally had him boxed in.
With these two hands, I reached in
and snatched that fish out of the
I looked him straight in the
And I made a remarkable discovery.
This fish, the Beast.
The whole time
when in
It was fat with
and was going to lay them any day.
Now, I was in a situation.
I could
but doing so
I would be killing the
soon to be mother of a hundred others.
Did I want to deprive my soon-to-be-born son
the chance to catch a fish
This lady fish
Now, you may well ask, since this
wasn't the ghost of a thief,
why did it strike so quick on gold
when nothing else would attract it?
That was the lesson I learned that
the day my son was born.
Sometimes, the only way to catch
is to offer her a