You're gonna be miserable. At home, at work, somewhere. The goal in life is not to eliminate misery. It's to keep misery to the minimum. Someone's gonna be miserable sometime. Accept it. That's how I stay so happy.House MD, Season 4, Episode 5 "Mirror mirror".
For god's sake, Mrs. Robinson. Here we are. You got me into your house. You give me a drink. You... put on music. Now you start opening up your personal life to me and tell me your husband won't be home for hours. Mrs. Robinson, you're trying to seduce me.
The Graduate (1967), Mike Nichols.
MICHAEL DORSEY Are you saying that nobody in New York will work with me?GEORGE FIELDSNo, no, that's too limited... nobody in Hollywood wants to work with you either. I can't even set you up for a commercial. You played a *tomato* for 30 seconds - they went a half a day over schedule because you wouldn't sit down.MICHAEL DORSEY Of course. It was illogical.GEORGE FIELDSYOU WERE A TOMATO. A tomato doesn't have logic. A tomato can't move.MICHAEL DORSEYThat's what I said. So if he can't move, how's he gonna sit down, George? I was a stand-up tomato: a juicy, sexy, beefsteak tomato. Nobody does vegetables like me. I did an evening of vegetables off-Broadway. I did the best tomato, the best cucumber... I did an endive salad that knocked the critics on their ass.Tootsie (1982), Sidney Pollack
All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence; then success is sure.Mark Twain.
When the Washington Sentinels left the stadium that day, there was no tickertape parade, no endorsement deals for sneakers or soda pop, or breakfast cereal. Just a locker to be cleaned out, and a ride home to catch. But what they didn't know, was that their lives had been changed forever because they had been part of something great. And greatness, no matter how brief, stays with a man. Every athlete dreams of a second chance. These men lived it.The Replacements (2000), Howard Deutch.
Mire, Daniel. Las mujeres, con notables excepciones como su vecina Merceditas, son más inteligentes que nosotros, o cuando menos más sinceras consigo mismas sobre lo que quieren o no. Otra cosa es que se lo digan a uno o al mundo. Se enfrenta usted al enigma de la naturaleza, Daniel. La fémina, babel y laberinto. Si usted la deja pensar, está perdido. Recuerde: corazón caliente, mente fría. El código del seductor.Fermín Romero de Torres, en La Sombra del Viento (Carlos Ruiz Zafón).
La televisión, amigo Daniel, es el Anticristo y le digo yo que bastarán tres o cuatro generaciones para que la gente ya no sepa ni tirarse pedos por su cuenta y el ser humano vuelva a la caverna, a la barbarie medieval, y a estados de imbecilidad que ya superó la babosa allá por el pleistoceno. Este mundo no se morirá de una bomba atómica como dicen los diarios, se morirá de risa, de banalidad, haciendo un chiste de todo, y además un chiste malo.Fermín Romero de Torres, en La Sombra del Viento (Carlos Ruiz Zafón).
Vive Dios que yo nunca me acosté con una mujer menor de edad, y no por falta de ganas u oportunidades; que hoy me ven ustedes en horas bajas, pero hubo el día en que tuve presencia y gallardía como el que más, y aún así, por si acaso y me daba en la nariz que eran un poco golfas, exigía cédula de identidad, o en su defecto autorización paterna por escrito para no faltarle a la ética.Fermín Romero de Torres, en La Sombra del Viento (Carlos Ruiz Zafón).